Diary Entry 2
Monitored by Therapist Candice Bauer
I don't feel so good today...my head hurts and I'm really cold. Mr. Showers is at work today and Mrs. Showers is downstairs helping Juney with homework. I don't think Juney likes me very much. She gives me mean looks. I think it's because she knows I'm bad. I'm trying to be a good girl though, so that Juney will like me more...but so far it keeps messing up. Juney still hates me and Mr. Showers gets angry at her for it. I feel bad...because then Juney just hates me more. I don't want anyone to hate me, hate is bad. Daddy says that he loves me and that hate sends people to Hell. I don't ever want to hate anyone.
I'm so cold, I feel really bad. I wish Mr. Showers would come home soon. He usually checks on me, but I don't know if he'll be mad that I'm sick. Daddy used to make me stay in my room when I was sick. He wouldn't let me out to potty, eat, or do anything. It's because he loved me...he didn't want me to get any worse. Mr. Showers treats me funny. He doesn't make me ask permission...he just doesn't know that's wrong. I think he needs to talk to my doctor too...that way Candy can tell him that parents are supposed to give their children rules...lots of rules. My daddy said that a child without rules is just another little waste of space God set there to block good children. I don't want to be a waste of space.
My tummy hurts, I hope I don't get sick. When I got sick at daddy's he would yell at me and make me clean it up myself. Cleaing up throw up is icky...and it makes me feel worse. Mr. Showers when are you coming home?
I gotta go now Mrs. Showers is calling from downstairs
Gabby Getz